Thursday, September 30, 2010

Civilization V - Formal Elements

Civilization V is a very new real time strategy game. It was released September 21, 2010 by Firaxis Games for the PC. It is the fifth game in the main line of the Civilization series. It has been adapted for a quicker pace.

Civilization V has a great deal of player involvement. The player is given the ability to control their entire nation, with everything from cultural values like honor and piety, to absolute control over scientific bias, to diplomatic stance and everything in between. The large amount of player involvement allows for much more immersive and in depth games.

The objective, as with any game, is to win. There are several paths to victory. One player might choose military conquest, one might choose diplomacy,
and another might seek to create a space ship and flee to the stars. These different means of victory allow just about any type of player to play their own way. This, in turn, leads to even more player involvement, and thus more in depth games.

Resources are a critical point in Civilization V, as with any real-time strategy game. The player uses gold as currency, which is used to buy everything. The other resources include strategic resources, such as iron and horses, and luxury resources like pearls, gems, wheat, and furs. There are special land tiles as well, like forests, hills, oceans, deserts, and marshes. These tiles influence movement, and some are better for certain construction projects. A hill may have mineral wealth, while a plain could have fertile ground.

The player is constantly competing with the other civilizations in the game. While the English may be competing for the Utopia victory, the French could be competing for a military victory. England must then take up arms against France and lose momentum in the Utopia victory. This constant competition is what makes up the conflict in the game.

Play, By. "Simpson's Paradox » Civ V at E3." Simpson's Paradox. Web. 30 Sept. 2010. <>.

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